Top 20 NuGet Packages
A simple caching AOP extension library based on Castle
echo-process Actor library component that works with LanguageExt.Core: An 'Erlang like' process system (actors) that can optionally persist messages and state to Redis (note you can use it without Redis for in-app messaging). The process system additionally supports Rx streams of messages and state ...
Ecng system framework
Package Description
EO.WebBrowser.WinForm provides the Windows.Forms version of the WebControl.
This library provides a credit card purchase payment authorizer that authorizes a payment 100% of the time, but only if the credit card number is a valid card number. If the class constructor is called without arguments it instantiates its own ICreditCardValidator. If it is called with an ICardValid...
A more functional construct on-top of Fable.Core.
A build automation system using C# build scripts.
Boilerplate-free, idiomatic JSON:API for your beautiful, idiomatic F# domain model. Optimized for developer happiness.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
API to programmatically run FSharpLint.
GameAnalytics SDK for Mono / .Net 4.5