Top 20 NuGet Packages
A programmatic approach to building Xamarin.iOS UIs with stack views (horizontal and vertical) and animations during segue transitions
Build your Xamarin.iOS UI the easy and clean way in C#.
微信分享、登录、收藏、支付等功能 SDK
Xamarin.iOS Binding for Zoom SDK.
This library only supports the device build.
If you want to run using simulator, this is not for you.
If you want to support Screen Share using the iOS Zoom SDK, this is the binding for you.
A neat and clean audio recorder
网易七鱼客服 xamarin集成
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for com.jaredrummler.materialspinner
Xamarin.iOS binding library for JBChartView
Easy, customizable notifications displayed on top of the statusbar. With progress and activity.
最新的Jpush v2.1.5 for Xamarin.Android的绑定,已包含ARM-v7a的so文件,如需包含其它的请手动添加
Simple popover menu for Xamarin.iOS
The LiquidFloatingActionButton is a floating action button in liquid state.
Binds and wraps the SignPost API in Mac OS to be accessible from Xamarin.
Tools to manage your xamarin application
MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capability of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it extends Android webview.
A library containing over 2000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable, a standalone View or inside menu resource files.