Top 20 NuGet Packages
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.perfmark:perfmark-api'.
Library description: PerfMark API
A newer version of, compiles a runner and NUnit into a single .exe.
Like the original GuiUnit, the goal of the runner is to provide integration with a GUI runloop (Gtk, Cocoa, Xwt, ...) so that unit tests that depend on it (for proper async/await operations for insta...
Xamarin.iOS Binding for Harpy (Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade)
A simple and beautiful notification style view.
Xamarin C# port of to allow creating and managing Hot Spots on Android devices
This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to being in the Settings app.
Xamarin.iOS SDK for Logentries based on iOS Logentries library
Xamarin.iOS Binding for Apple's internal UIDebuggingInformationOverlay API. It shows a floating UIWindow that lets you inspect your view hierarchy and lots more!
An animation helper which adds a shaking effect to your views.
AMViralSwitch is a UISwitch subclass that 'infects' the parent view with the OnTintColor when the switch is turned on.
AMViralSwitch is a UISwitch subclass that 'infects' the parent view with the OnTintColor when the switch is turned on.
Gets the current ViewController within your Xamarin.ios Applications
Xamarin.iOS binding for OnePassword Extension
Xamarin iOS Binding library for OpenEars Framework
Pulsing CALayer for Xamarin.iOS. It comes with pulsing animation effect
Xamarin.iOS Stripe.