Top 20 NuGet Packages
Type reflection library for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Relational data store access infrastructure for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Relational data store library backed by Azure mobile data services infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Serialisation components for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Thread marshalling for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Miscellaneous Web api components, including dependency resolver and cache and model state manipulation
Application bootstrapping that works with in conjunction with IOC
Inversion of control container for Windows
Service bus for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
SystemEndpointsDotnetCore for molinio (
Collection of utilities for working with .NET and WinForms.
DockPanel extension for SystemEx.
SystemEx.Injection 1.0.0 - dependency injection standard attributes and interfaces
Wrapper for Mraa
Wrapper for Mraa
Wrapper for Mraa