Top 20 NuGet Packages

Simple enhancements to System.Core for everyday use
Component for data access with C#.
My package description.
This package contains some basic Domain models togheter with a Result{TOk, TError} type.
Akka support for system creation and cqrs style actors
Akka support for BDD style testing
Azure mobile data services infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Core components for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Domain model infrastructure for cross platform development on iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows
Environment functions (such as device name) for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Event sourcing for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Event sourcing for Windows SqlServer
Event sourcing for Sqlite
Event sourcing client side synchronisation between machines / mobile devices
Event sourcing server side synchronisation between machines / mobile devices
Testing library for event sourcing synchronisation
File handling functions for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
Client for sending message logging to message route inspector service
Message route inspector server
Messaging components for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT