Top 20 NuGet Packages
Package Description
Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1.
Exposes data from SEC Financial Statement Data Sets, available at The data sets provide selected information extracted from exhibits to corporate financial reports filed with the Commission using eXtensible Business Reporting Language...
A simple command line tool to help you organise your secret santa picking by feeding in a list of participants and then emailing each person to tell them who they're a secret Santa for
C# connector to the Secretarium network
A .NET library for symmetric key encryption using the Gimli permutation.
Cross-platform file encryption library for .NET
Package Description
Get all the information of a SCP:SL Server on your C# Application!
ASP.NET 5 tool to manage user secrets.
Interfaces, delegates and shared classes of Remote Hub.
Adds support for low end bar code scanners, which work as a keyboard only.
This is a full solution for getting code scanned from multiple low end bar code scanners, including:
Multiple scanners support
Charaters combine until stop sign (e.g., Enter)
User-defined key-to-text mapping
Please check h...
Defines a task scheduler that run tasks on a single thread.
Contains Secret function
Package Description
Convenience package that offers support to retrieve Basic Credentials via Aws Secrets Manager API.