Top 20 NuGet Packages

Seasoning is Utility Class Library
seavin test
Fleet services
Diff implementation
SebaStudio supports Azure AD authentication, device data caching, cloud data storage, and cloud-device synchronization, based on Azure.
Pacote para auxilio no desenvolvimento de aplicações do time SEBRAE
Package Description
A .Net library for interacting with the SEC EDGAR System. Retrieve SEC Company Info including SEC Edgar CIK Numbers, SIC Numbers...etc. Retrieve up to 30 different Company and Fund Filing types including 10Q, 10K, Annual Reports, and Semi Annual Reports. More filing types are continuously added. ...
Clases comunes para los proyectos de Sección Amarilla
Security Headers Samples - for ASP.Net Core. Several samples of CspFrames to target resource sources.
By using of this package you can create your own test-tokens for OAuth.
SecondCMS Contnet Management System
Testing nuget deployments
secondlib description
This is a nuget package test