Top 20 NuGet Packages

A scratch patch is a South African term for an area of semi-precious rocks that you dig around and fill a bag with whatever looks appealing to you. This project aims to be a similar idea. I hope to bundle some code in here that I've written based on work experience and have found useful across many ...
ScrCpy with serve key
Package Description
Screeen Capture Library using SharpDX
Brinda información de resolución de pantalla y nombre del sistema operativo.
This package is a .NET wrapper around Quentin Cosendey's screen reader API. This API gives you an extra tool in your accessibility arsenal, by allowing you to communicate directly with screen readers. Currently supports SAAPI, JAWS, NVDA, Window Eyes and Supernova.
Library for fast screenshot make and screen capture based on SharpDX package.
Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API, which lets you bring the page or any element into fullscreen. Smoothens out the browser implementation differences, so you don't have to.
The simplest way to take a screenshot of any view in your app.
My package description.
This project will make sure the item is visible in the screen and take screenshot
Easily distinguish between iOS device screen types in Xamarin.iOS apps.
An experimental library which enables points, sizes and rectangles to be stored in and manipulated via distinct types depending on whether they are in screen or WPF coordinate space, thus avoiding confusion and aiding readability. Also provides utility methods related to screen bounds, resolution et...