Top 20 NuGet Packages

Demo template for creating a .NET Core Console.
This is a custom library used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Store apps.
This is a custom library, usable in background projects, used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Store apps.
This is a custom library, usable in background projects, used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Phone apps.
Sample Package description
Scotty doesn't know? Yes he does! Ask him if an update is available.
Package Description
Extending log4net to make logging easy. Create your own header and conversionPattern in web.config file. header: value="[Header] Timestamp | Log Level | HostName | ApplicationName | Logger | Method | Thread | Message " conversionPattern: value="%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff}|%level|%property{log4ne...
Scrambler is an utility class to encode/decode an integer into/from an unrecognizable string.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Simple .NET library that provides generic web scraping abilities using XPaths.
Scratch Communicate Library
Package Description