Top 20 NuGet Packages
Helper library for communicating basic success/failure/reason info along with a value.
A Class that manages your return data
Conjunto de tipos genéricos para el retorno correcto
Provides two lite-weight classes that can be used to check the success or failure of operations returned from methods.
Instead of null checks you can simply write for example Result.OrDefault(() => SelectedItem.Invoice.Employee.Name.ToString());
Package Description
Helper library for communicating basic success/failure/reason info along with a value
Package Description
An implementation to wrap results and errors between layers.
Retrieve success or failure result from everything.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
A simple library containing useful common result definitions and helpers
Out of the box Result object to handle requests result between classes
Out of the box Result object to handle requests result between classes
Out of the box Result object to handle requests result between classes
Extensions to the ResultMonad package. For more information see
Simple library for operations results.