Top 20 NuGet Packages
Creates a (Serilog) Log-Enabled (RestEase) RESTful HttpClient that fully logs requests and responses. Requests and Responses can be matched by using the "Id" in the logs
Provides charting capabilities.
Provides various custom controls; data grid, tab control, popup calendar, linked text block, others.
Provides base classes and collections for use in an MVVM application
Restnet .Net SDK
Package Description
Dependency package for iikoFront.NET API library.
Make your plugin project packed in plugin package for distribution. Controls plugin package structure and dependencies. Validates internal plugin metadata.
Restores a sql server database by finding the latest .bak file in a directory and subsequent .trn files after it.
Save and restore the place of the WPF window
Package Description
For Contact Center TCPA & DNC Compliance
A simple REST and HTTP client for Windows Store Apps.
HTTP REST Client abstractions for HttpClient
Adds a REST service to the project
Simple REST and HTTP API Client