Top 20 NuGet Packages
Filter, Select, Order, Paginations With One Line
Package Description
Seemlessly interact with IQueryable instances.
Package Description
QueryDesigner provides way of creating complex IQueryable filtering based on dynamic expression trees.
Package Description
Package Description
QueryFilter provides way of providing complex filtering on IQueryable<> with dynamic expression trees. With one property, you can do multiple filters, ands, ors, contains, less than, not equals, etc for anything that implements IQueryable. This also applies to Entity Framework. You also get the abil...
Package Description
Stop support update. Please query for ”IntegratedQueryFramework“ to get the latest version in Nuget.
Stop support update. Please query for ”IntegratedQueryFramework“ to get the latest version in Nuget.
Easy SQL Query Generator from C# Lambda Expressions.
A tool for managing connections, transactions, and data readers.
Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expression visitors.
Package Description
Package Description
This is a lite way to query into relational Database
Enables mapping of simple Linq queries from one type to another
Just QueryMaster built for .net core