Top 20 NuGet Packages

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Package Description
QuartzHost任务调度基类 添加job实现抽象方法即可 Quart.Net 在dotnetcore3.1平台的实现任务的启动、停止、新建、暂停、恢复等
Wrapper above [Quartz.NET] ( for .NET Core.
Wrapper above [Quartz.NET] ( for .NET Core.
.NET IRC client library
Monitoring for Quartz Scheduled Jobs
Monitoring for Quartz Scheduled Jobs
Monitoring for Quartz Scheduled Jobs
Quartz Admin allows you to fire up a UI web interface to manage your Quartz scheduler. It's plug and play all you have to do is pass it on your scheduler instance and it will pull all your jobs from it. - View all the jobs together with the schedule - Execute jobs on demand - List triggers
Contains Intel(R) MKL and Metis native binaries (win-x64, linux-x64) with C# binding for some functions.
Global Quasar contracts
Client API for the Quasardb database. Assembled for use in .NetFramework 2.0+, .NetCoreApp 2.0+ and .NetStandard2.0