Top 20 NuGet Packages

解决 OpenQuant 的策略工程脱离 OpenQuant 环境运行遇到的问题
OpenQuery is a lightweight, extensible, fast and easy to use ORM abstraction layer. It is also currently unfinished, and very beta. Proceed with caution. The end goal is to have a single ORM API to code against, while being able to plug in any ORM of your choosing. OpenQuery utilizes PetaPoco as its...
Register routes with OpenRasta using attributes on your handlers, instead of manually via OR onfiguration
OpenRefine .NET Client
Utility tool to navigate between local repositories. Source:
This assembly contains base runtime components such as the MEF container.
Test harness for IIS Express
Test harness for SQL Server
Package Description
Windows Service to monitor the OpenRPA Remote Desktop
OpenRPA Package Manager
Package Description
My package description.
My package description.
Package Description
Easy way to launch Maps app from your own Windows 8 application using protocol activation Details here:
Add 'app.UseWellKnownDir();' to your Startup.Configure() and let Let's Ecrypt do its magic.