Top 20 NuGet Packages

A .NET Standard class for quering common assembly attributes out of an specified assembly.
A .NET Standard 2.0 class library that represents a version number following the Semantic Versioning 1.0.0 format specification.
My package description.
Basic Math For DotNet
Basic access control library. User has roles, roles has permissions.
Project to make easier the development of new AspNet Core 3.1 projects.
Project to make easier the development of new AspNet Core 3.1 projects.
Proyecto para utilizar los web services del SAT que permiten la descarga masiva de CFDIs.
Project with essential classes that can help with the development of a Xamarin.Forms app.
Some useful extensions for Azure Storage SDK classes
Different utilities for exporting to CSV and HTML
DbBridge for Entity Framework Core InMemory database (fot testing purposes only)
EasyQuery Json classes
EasyQuery extensions for SimpleQuery
Package Description
Package Description
Simple and powerful SQL builder
AssemblyInfo plugin for Koshu
Koshu plugin for simplifying user interactions in your psake scripts
Koshu plugin for NuGet related tasks