Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation NuGet Package

Annotate TIFF, PNG, and JPEG images in .NET.

Annotate and markup single- or multipage TIFF image, JPEG or PNG image without re-encoding the image. WinForms controls for annotating images. Print image with annotations. Rotate image with annotations.

Burn annotations on image. Add or insert an annotation into annotation collection. Reorder annotations in annotation collection. Chang... ge annotation.

Remove an annotation from annotation collection. Undo/redo changes in annotation collection or single annotation. Supported annotation types: Line, Polyline, Freehand, Ruler, Rulers, Angle, Rectangle, Square, Highlight, Ellipse, Circle, Polygon, Freehand polygon, Embedded image, Referenced image, Text, Free text, Link, Rubber stamp, Composite, Group, Sticky note, Leader line, Arrow.

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Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

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