Top 20 NuGet publish Packages

**NOTE** For .NET 6 upwards we recommend NATS.Net package - NATS acts as a central nervous system for distributed systems at scale for IoT, edge computing, and cloud native and on-premise applications. This is the .NET client API.
Please note, for Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Hubs and Azure Relay, newer packages Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus, Azure.Messaging.EventHubs and Microsoft.Azure.Relay are available as of November 2020, February 2020 and March 2017 respectively. While WindowsAzure.ServiceBus will continue to receive cr...
NATS acts as a central nervous system for distributed systems at scale for IoT, edge computing, and cloud native and on-premise applications. This is the .NET Streaming client API.
Framework for enabling time-series data processing services including hosted input, action and output adapter implementations.
PowerShell Cmdlets for NServiceBus
An easy wrapper for the RabbitMQ client that allows inclusion in DotNetCore projects. Can be used with the standard dependency injection provided in DotNetCore.
A tool to package MonoGame and other .NET applications into several distributable formats
Lightweight messaging wrapper of MassTransit
Add publish/subscribe power to your .NET solution. Like magic.
Eventing library, with support for MsSql and MySql. Ideal for implementing, eventdriven architectures, pub-sub, microservices, etc.
RabbitMQ transport for EzBus
The Lightstreamer .Net Standard Client SDK allows to subscribe to real-time data pushed by a Lightstreamer server and to send any message to the server. The library offers automatic recovery from connection failures, automatic selection of the best available transport, and full decoupling of subscri...
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework, .Net Micro Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
The WebServices Integration for the nservicebus, The most popular open-source service bus for .net
ActiveMQ support for NServicebus
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
Distributor for MSMQ for the nservicebus
Enables audit of Saga state changes
Class library adding support for the Publish/Subscribe extension (XEP-0060) to the XMPP Client library defined in Waher.Networking.XMPP.