LongCalcNetCore NuGet Package

This library, built with and accessible by Visual Studio (2022) and using .Net's BigInteger for the underlying integer math, supplies a variety of math functions and utilities with precisions as large as 2,000,000 base 10 digits.

The underlying objects are Bf (for 'Big float') real values comprised of a BigInteger mantissa and base 2 exponent, Bcr (for complex numbers expressed in the rectangular coordinates) comprised of a Bf real part and a Bf imaginary part, and Bcp (for complex numbers expressed in the polar coordinates) comprised of a Bf radius and a Bf angle). Functions supported include real and complex versions of: basic arithmetic, trigonometric functions, log and exponential functions, hyperbolic functions and the inverses of all of these, base conversions between bases up to 64, conversions between rectangular and polar coordinates, and some special functions such as Euler, Bernoulli, Gamma, Zeta, and BesselJ. The library also includes a 'Bd' (for Bigdecimal) object with fractional base 10 digits up to capability of BigInteger. Use of the included Windows app LongCalcNetCoreDemo.exe function assumes that the files LongCalcNetCoreDemo.exe, LongCalcNetCoreDemo.dll, LongCalcNetCore.dll, LongCalcNetCoreDemo.deps.json, and LongCalcNetCoreDemo.runtimeconfig.json reside in a common folder/directory.

This version of LongCalcNetCore depends on .Net 8.

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Version: 0.5.3
Author(s): Mark Carlson
Last Update: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/LongCalcNetCore

Install-Package LongCalcNetCore
dotnet add package LongCalcNetCore
paket add LongCalcNetCore
LongCalcNetCore Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





