Belarusian (also known as Беларуская Мова) Language pack for the IronOCR .NET OCR Library. NuGet Package

The IronOCR engine adds OCR (Optical Character Recognition) functionality to Web, Desktop, and Console applications.

IronOCR reads Barcode and QR codes.

Ocr Dictionaries in this package:
* Belarusian
* BelarusianBest
* Belaru... usianFast

OCR для беларускай мовы ў C# & .NET. Аптымізаваны OCR C# Tesseract 5 у аўтаномным API .NET OCR. Пераўтварае сканаваныя дакументы, выявы і PDF у тэкст. Прыклады C# і VB:

This package installs IronOCR and also Belarusian support including:
* Belarusian (also known as Беларуская Мова) OCR for screenshots, cameras, images files, tiffs and PDFs in .NET
* Custom OCR that can significantly out-perform Tesseract CLI on real world documents
* Can read scans with distortion, skewing, low resolution & contrast, and digital noise
* Also supports Tesseract 3, 4 and 5 in Belarusian
* Support for 125 total international languages available

Additional Features Include:
* Barcode & QR Reading
* Output of searchable, search-engine indexable PDF documents
* Inspect fonts, headings, paragraphs, lines, words, and characters as structured data

* .NET Framework (4.5+)
* .NET Core (2.0+)
* .NET Standard (2.0+)

Works on:
* Windows
* MacOS
* Linux
* Docker
* Azure and other Cloud hosting platforms
* Web, Console, WinForms, WPF and Services

- Images
- PDFs
- Screenshots
- Scans
- Barcodes
- QR codes

Commercial support available.


C# & VB Examples:

Got any Belarusian (also known as Беларуская Мова) Language pack for the IronOCR .NET OCR Library. Question?

Install-Package IronOcr.Languages.Belarusian
dotnet add package IronOcr.Languages.Belarusian
paket add IronOcr.Languages.Belarusian
IronOcr.Languages.Belarusian Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

.NETFramework 4.5 .NETStandard 2.0 netcore20
