ImageGlue Image Processing Library for .NET NuGet Package

ImageGlue is a toolkit for the creation and modification of still images.

It can be used in .NET desktop applications or in .NET server pages.

Read and write a host of media formats including: BMP, PNG, TIFF, Fax TIFF, JPEG / JFIF, GIF, Photoshop (PSD), QuickDraw PICT, Targa, QuickTime Image (QTIF), Silicon Graphics (SGI), MacPaint, FlashPix (FPX), Macromedia Flash™ 4 (SWF), Movie (MOV), QTVR, Cubic VR, AVI (Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved), XML / SMIL.

Draw image files or data, text, lines, shapes - unfilled, filled or textured. Perform arbitrary transforms - rotation, skews, scaling - on any of these objects.

ImageGlue is much like System.Drawing or WPF but rather more sophisticated.

The crucial thing is not so much that it supports so many more image file formats - though it does - but that it supports them so much better.

Do you really care about the Targa file format? Probably not. However you probably do care about TIFF and ImageGlue supports TIFF - and many other formats - so much better than System.Drawing.

Working in multiple color spaces ImageGlue allows unfettered access and control over graphics. Like System.Drawing and WPF, ImageGlue works in RGB. But it also works in CMYK, grayscale, Lab, device and spot colors. It supports sophisticted graphical formats like PSD, PDF, PostScript and EPS.


Just write code!

For documentation and code samples check the ".NET Docs" referenced in the Project URL.

If you need a license for remote deployment see the documentation for how to copy your local license to a remote machine.

The tools folder contains the settings application if that is something you need.

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Version: 8.6.0
Author(s): ImageGlue Team
Last Update: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url:
NuGet Url:

Install-Package ImageGlue
dotnet add package ImageGlue
paket add ImageGlue
ImageGlue Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

.NETFramework 4.0
  • No dependencies.
  • No dependencies.






