BCL easyConverter SDK: PDF-to-HTML API NuGet Package

BCL easyConverter SDK (PDF-to-HTML API) is a Programming Toolkit for Programmers to build PDF to HTML Conversion Server and Desktop applications.

BCL easyConverter SDK authentically maintains the contents of the PDF files when converted into HTML files, including:

- Fonts. PDF fonts are mapped to the appropriate system fonts with style, size and kerning to make accurate fit.

- Multi-Column pages. Single and multi-column pages are converted to equivalent structures with text flow preserved for facilitate editing.

- Tables. PDF tables with and without PDF table structures are detected and converted to HTML tables automatically.

- Graphics.

Graphics are converted authentically and placed accurately on the page.

- Page Fitting. Fonts and formatting are adjusted to make PDF page content fit on HTML page.

This version converts the first 3 pages and expires in 90 days.

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Version: 5.0.100
Author(s): bcltechnologies
Last Update: Thursday, April 12, 2018
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://pdfonline.com/easyconverter/sdk/pdf-to-html/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/BCL.EasyConverterHTML

Install-Package BCL.EasyConverterHTML
dotnet add package BCL.EasyConverterHTML
paket add BCL.EasyConverterHTML
BCL.EasyConverterHTML Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






