Version: | 24.1.4 |
Author(s): | Actipro Software LLC |
Last Update: | Tuesday, December 17, 2024 |
.NET Fiddle: | Create the first Fiddle |
Project Url: | |
NuGet Url: | |
Install-Package ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Docking
dotnet add package ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Docking
paket add ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Docking
ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Docking Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
.NETFramework 4.0
- ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Shared(>= 20.1.1 && <= 20.1.1)
- ActiproSoftware.Controls.WPF.Shared(>= 20.1.1 && <= 20.1.1)
End users can drag and dock windows wherever they please, and persist their layout customizations.
The product contains docking window and MDI capabilities found in popular IDEs, and extended functionality that you won't find anywhere else. It's designed to fully support data-binding and use in MVVM applications, and can be easily integrated in Prism applications as well.
Documentation is available on the Actipro web site (, and samples can be downloaded from the Actipro WPF Controls GitHub repository (
NOTE: This is a commercial software product and requires proper paid licensing for legal usage.
See Actipro's web site ( for links to purchase developer licenses, or view the Sales FAQ for more information about evaluations and licensing.