NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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LibGit2Sharp [84 dependencies]

LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .NET
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ExcelDataReader [84 dependencies]

Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files (XLS, XLSX).
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NetMQ [84 dependencies]

A 100% native C# port of the lightweight high performance messaging library ZeroMQ
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Splat [84 dependencies]

A library to make things cross-platform that should be.
Middleware that enables an application to support the Microsoft Account authentication workflow.
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Jint [84 dependencies]

Javascript interpreter for .NET.
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System.Drawing.Primitives [84 dependencies]

Provides basic drawing primitive structures, that exposes the corresponding System.Drawing.dll types in .NET Core. Commonly Used Types: System.Drawing.Point System.Drawing.PointF System.Drawing.Size System.Drawing.SizeF System.Drawing.Rectangle System.Drawing.RectangleF When using NuGet 3.x this ...
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System.Diagnostics.EventLog [84 dependencies]

Provides the System.Diagnostics.EventLog class, which allows the applications to use the Windows event log service. Commonly Used Types: System.Diagnostics.EventLog
Package Description
XML configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. This package enables you to read configuration parameters from XML files. You can use XmlConfigurationExtensions.AddXmlFile extension method on IConfigurationBuilder to add XML configuration provider to the configurati...
PCL Crypto provides a consistent, portable set of crypto APIs for .NET 4.5, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps. Crypto functionality includes asymmetric and symmetric encryption and signatures, and key derivation. PCLCry...
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Bootstrap [83 dependencies]

Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile-first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Package issues? Please post them here
This package contains everything you need to create OData endpoints using ASP.NET Web API and to support OData query syntax for your web APIs.
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Windows Identity Foundation [82 dependencies]

Windows Identity Foundation enables .NET developers to externalize identity logic from their application, improving developer productivity, enhancing application security, and enabling interoperable federation. Enjoy greater productivity, applying the same tools and programming model to build on-pre...
Method input validation and runtime checks that report errors or throw exceptions when failures are detected.
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FluentMigrator.Runner [82 dependencies]

FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#. The basic idea is that you can create migrations which are simply classes that derive from the Migration base class and have a Migration attribute with a unique version number attached to them. Upon executing FluentMigrator, yo...
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Extended WPF Toolkit [82 dependencies]

Extended WPF Toolkit is the number one collection of WPF controls, components and utilities for creating next generation Windows applications. Provides 48 controls, all offered under the Xceed Software Inc Community License. v4.6.1 provides 7 bug fixes and improvements. Documentation, source, and di...
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Meadow.Foundation [82 dependencies]

Core peripheral drivers for Wilderness Labs Meadow
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - transition
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp'. Library description: Square’s meticulous HTTP client for Java and Kotlin.