Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Identity Foundation

Total dependencies: 82

Windward Studios' DotNetEngine
A port of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Extensions.dll packaged as a NuGet package by the SharePoint PnP team.
Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.0/WIF and .NET 4.5 (includes MVC4 and Web API support).
Contains Xrm Unit Testing Library
Action is a part of the Coscine group.
The modules required to build CloudCore-based web roles/sites.
ART&MIS Base, Comon, Document, Helper and Extensions
Use to update one attribute in bulk
Developer library for creating SharePoint client (CSOM) projects and apps. Kraken is a battle tested library for developing SharePoint applications that's been around since before 2010 and is used in many projects. This package includes libraries for developing client applications (CSOM) including ...
Common assembly for Microsoft Dynamics Workflow development.
Contains Xrm Unit Testing Library
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
AzureCopy is a .NET library to allow copying between local filesystem, Azure, S3, Onedrive, Sharepoint Online and Dropbox.
Server-side library with intuitive database, mail, and utility methods. Works well independently or in conjunction with the SmartJS JavaScript plugin library.
This tool is to create .ts (TypeScript) model files to be used in front end project like Angular.
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
GatherContent Connector for Progress Sitefinity CMS versions 9.0.610 - 10.x Please make sure to add as a package source in order to be able to resolve the Sitefinity dependencies.
Supporting library for Azure Functions for SharePoint functions. In other words, the functions themselves. This includes the function base classes and classes for configuration and token management.
SlamCMS ASP.NET MVC integration
This tool will be used to compare two security roles from same instance or from different instances