NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Ix_Experimental-Main [7 dependencies]
Rebus.Castle.Windsor [7 dependencies]
Provides a Castle Windsor container adapter for Rebus
ScriptCs.Hosting [7 dependencies]
ScriptCs.Hosting provides common services necessary for hosting scriptcs in your application.
Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Web Forms [7 dependencies]
The Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package includes controls for viewing reports designed using Microsoft reporting technology.
VSSDK.Text [7 dependencies]
This package provides the Visual Studio "Text Editor" reference assemblies used by Visual Studio 2013 and newer.
Foundatio.Redis [7 dependencies]
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
polymer-iron-meta [7 dependencies]
Useful for sharing information across a DOM tree.
Aloneguid.Support [7 dependencies]
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.Common [7 dependencies]
Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") shared scripting package.
Do not install this package manually, it will be added as a prerequisite by other packages that require it.
More details at
This package was built from the source at https://gi...
camm Integration Portal [7 dependencies]
camm Integration Portal (based on camm Web-Manager) for Web Applications
LightBDD.Framework [7 dependencies]
Provides LightBDD framework with common classes and features for all LightBDD integrations.
High level features:
* native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development;
Reinterpret.Net [7 dependencies]
Provides high-performance Reinterpret_Cast style extension methods for primitives, primitive arrays and strings. Allows you to convert from bytes or to bytes faster than any thing in .NET through a generic API.
Fastest and most generic conversions to and from bytes.
Pepperoni.Core [7 dependencies]
Common code for Pepperoni Software.
ConfigDecorators [7 dependencies]
LVK.Configuration [7 dependencies]
CoreLibrary.Interfaces.PieroViano [7 dependencies]
CoreLibrary Interfaces
AI4E.Modularity.Abstractions [7 dependencies]
AElf.Contracts.Genesis [7 dependencies]
Genesis is a contract that implements base functionality of the chain such as contract proposal
and updating.
Adf5 [7 dependencies]
Aooshi .Net Framework v5,
OCore.Core [7 dependencies]
Package Description