Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CodeCop

Total dependencies: 7

Interceptor for CodeCop that automatically integrates Statsd onto intercepted methods.
Interceptor for CodeCop to use in Web Applications that automatically validates if user is authenticated on each intercepted method.
Interceptor for CodeCop that automatically logs exceptions with Serilog and Elastic on each intercepted method.
Ever wanted to inject dependencies into PostSharp method interception aspects in a seamless way? Meet AutoAspectResolver, just plug-in you DI container of choice and watch PostSharp aspect dependencies being resolved at runtime with the help of CodeCop.
Interceptor for CodeCop that automatically validates if any non-optional method arguments are not null, or in case of strings also not empty.
CodeCop Fluent API Wrapper
Interceptor for CodeCop that automatically integrates MiniProfiler onto each intercepted method.