NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NServiceBus.Host32 [1 dependencies]

Functionality for generically hosting NServiceBus processes
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DD4T-MVC5 [1 dependencies]

Automatically transforms on build all files with a build action of `None/Content` that have the `TextTemplatingFileGenerator` custom tools associated, without requiring the installation of any Visual Studio SDK.
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DbContextScope.EfCore [1 dependencies]

DbContextScope is a simple and flexible way to manage your Entity Framework Core relational DbContext instances.
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boost_zlib-vc80 [1 dependencies]

boost_zlib-vc80. Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
Core Knight Blades for JSON serialization, used when Coding with Honor!
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NICE.LogStream.Writer [1 dependencies]

Logging webagent client for NICE LogServer
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TouchTracking.Forms [1 dependencies]

TouchTracking.Forms provides unified API for multi-touch gestures on Android, iOS and UWP which can be consumed as Effect in Xamarin Forms.
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Ehrom.Azure.ApiHub.Sdk [1 dependencies]

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Idfy.Events.Entities [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Projeto open-source desenvolvido em .NET Core. Este projeto visa ser código base para aplicações, contendo abstrações e interfaces preparadas para futuros desenvolvimentos da comunidade. Recursos de Aplicação.
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CrashRpt2.CPP Redist [1 dependencies]

Redistributable components for package 'CrashRpt2.CPP'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
A framework for building Atlassian Connect add ons in C# with ASP.NET Core
Xamarin.Android binding for Kotlin Standard Library JDK 7 extension
Provides a set of APIs to process scheduled task data in Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) traces (.etl files) in .NET. Consider using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All instead to provide native dependencies and data providers.
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AbstractionLib.QuestSystem [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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MdB.Hanseath.Archivist [1 dependencies]

Hanseath.Archivist is a simple wrapper for some methods of the System.IO package, allowing mocking out interaction with the filesystem for unit testing.
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CreatioTestFramework [1 dependencies]

The package contains a set of utility classes and extensions to easily create stubs and mocks for Creatio platform.
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Neovolve.Streamline [1 dependencies]

Provides streamlined SUT creation
Package Description