NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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EntroBuilder [1 dependencies]

Library to facilitate creation of object graphs for testing purposes
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AzureStorageExtensions [1 dependencies]

Extensions for Azure Storage Client librar
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AssertHelper [1 dependencies]

One assert to rule them all
Provides functionality to flatten complex objects into EntityProperty dictionary and functionality to recompose original complex object from the flattened property dictionary. One usage is that the API allows writing any complex object with nested properties into Azure Table Storage in flattened for...
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Gaia.Common [1 dependencies]

Common library for integration with Kepler - QA tool for screenshot-based testing.
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Olive.PDF [1 dependencies]

Olive Framework
SAP CrystalReports ReportAppServer DataSetConversion
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Frameplate.Security [1 dependencies]

managedCuda-wrapper for cuDNN, only for x64-platform. This release is not thoroughly tested and is not considered for production releases! CUDA Toolkit: Minimum NVIDIA GPU driver: 387.92 This package is an unofficial port of ManagedCUDA to .NET Standard 2.0 and...
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Syncfusion.ProjIO.Base [1 dependencies]

ThinkLogic Extenions Swagger
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ETDB-Library [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Particl.NBitcoin [1 dependencies]

The C# Bitcoin Library
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Valigator.Newtonsoft.Json [1 dependencies]

This package adds support for serializing and deserializing valigator types to Newtonsoft.Json.
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Laxton.Innovatrics.IDKit [1 dependencies]

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IndSoftTestNuget01 [1 dependencies]

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Somfic.VoiceAttack [1 dependencies]

Wrapper for the vaProxy variable in VoiceAttack plugins