NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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quadrature [1 dependencies]

A small c++ library for implementation of quadrature rules. ozp::quadrature::integrate<ozp::quadrature::Gaussian<2>, 1>([](double ip1, double w1){ });
MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework. The goal is to make it easy for XNA developers to create cross-platform games with extremely high code reuse. We currently support iOS, Android, Windows (both OpenGL and DirectX), Mac OS X, Linux, Windows 8 Store, Wi...
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Utility.BigFont [1 dependencies]

A Class Library for transforming strings into large, stylized characters.
An app framework for SyncSoft Inc.
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OnTheFlyStats [1 dependencies]

Do you find yourself adding numbers to the collection and recalculating mean each time? This package is intended to solve the issue. The statistics are always ready and calculating mean for next element does not require iterating over whole collection. On-the-fly calculation of mean, variance, stand...
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Creekdream.Mapping.Core [1 dependencies]

Based on the application framework developed by .Net Standard, it is committed to rapid development, standardization of some standards, and so on.
Provides validation services for data in the COBieLite UK schema
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AngleSharp.Xml [1 dependencies]

Adds a powerful XML and DTD parser to AngleSharp.
Package Description
The Engine of Source Code Generation used by the `dotnet-cgr` tool.
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SolidRpc.Security.Front [1 dependencies]

Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
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AutoNumber [1 dependencies]

High performance, distributed unique id generator for Azure environments.
Not Available
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ResulterSharp [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Consistent hash abstractions
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DistLockNet [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Valsom.AnsiBuilder [1 dependencies]

Tool to easily write strings with ANSI character formatting
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Raider.Commands [1 dependencies]
