NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Ninject.MockingKernel [9 dependencies]
Automock implementation using Ninject to create the objects under test.
Bugsnag .NET Notifier [9 dependencies]
The Bugsnag Notifier for .NET gives you instant notification of exceptions thrown from your .NET applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Bugsnag project.
Rabbit.Kernel [9 dependencies]
Rabbit Kernel 是整个Rabbit Framework的核心,Kernel内不仅包含了扩展引擎、租户引擎、工作引擎,同时还抽象了 Bus 、Caching、 FileSystems 、Localization、 Logging 这些常用组件的抽象与部分实现。
Topshelf.Serilog [9 dependencies]
Topshelf is an open source project for hosting services without friction. By referencing Topshelf, your console application *becomes* a service installer with a comprehensive set of command-line options for installing, configuring, and running your application as a service.
Baseline [9 dependencies]
Grab bag of generic utilities and extension methods for .Net development
NUnit 3 - Visual Studio Project Loader Extension [9 dependencies]
This extension allows NUnit to recognize and load solutions and projects in Visual Studio format. It supports files of type .sln, .csproj, .vbproj, .vjsproj, .vcproj and .fsproj.
TextExt Plugin for jQuery [9 dependencies]
(No plugins included.)
TextExt’s modular design allows you easily turn a standard HTML text input into a wide range of modern, tailored to your needs input field without bloating your source code and slowing down your site with the code that you aren’t using.
Lykke.SlackNotification.AzureQueue [9 dependencies]
Package Description
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion WPF Word library and more.
Nethereum.Contracts [9 dependencies]
Nethereum Contracts is the core library to interact via RPC with Smart contracts in Ethereum
Paradigm.Services.Domain [9 dependencies]
Base domain classes.
Colorful.Json [9 dependencies]
Naiad - Core [9 dependencies]
Naiad: a distributed framework for incremental, iterative, and interactive programs.
XCore.Base [9 dependencies]
XCore - Xamarin native component for mobile cross platform application
GS.BuildingBlocks.Annotations [9 dependencies]
GraphQL.SystemTextJson [9 dependencies]
System.Text.Json serializer for GraphQL.NET
KmopoFramework.Lib.Config.Abstractions [9 dependencies]
KmopoFramework - Config.Abstractions
Penguin.Cms.Abstractions [9 dependencies]
Not Available
Gxby.BYCore.Threading [9 dependencies]
Package Description
rbkApiModules.Infrastructure.MediatR.Core [9 dependencies]
Package Description