NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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DContainer [9 dependencies]

DContainer is a common dependency injection adapter for the popular IoC container
XML contract structures for EnergyTrading MDM
Models for EntityFramework select expressions
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Atlas.Core [9 dependencies]

Core utilities
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MouseKeyHook [9 dependencies]

This library attaches to windows global hooks, tracks keyboard and mouse clicks and movement and raises common .NET events with KeyEventArgs and MouseEventArgs, so you can easily retrieve any information you need: * Mouse coordinates * Mouse buttons clicked * Mouse wheel scrolls ...
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MacroView.VSTO [9 dependencies]

MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
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MBrace.Core [9 dependencies]

The MBrace core library contains all cloud computation essentials, libraries and local execution tools for authoring distributed code.
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Takenet.Iris.Messaging [9 dependencies]

Iris messaging data types package
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Cofoundry.Domain [9 dependencies]

Contains the domain and data access layer for Cofoundry. You can reference this project directly if you're not interested in the web stack (e.g. a console app or background service)
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Fable.Elmish.Browser [9 dependencies]

Elmish extensions for Fable apps targeting web browsers
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Polygon.Connector [9 dependencies]

Package Description
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QDARC.Utilities [9 dependencies]

Set of useful extensions and tools.
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Veldrid.ImageSharp [9 dependencies]

ImageSharp integration for Veldrid. Provides functionality for loading GPU Textures with ImageSharp.
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dotnet-etcd [9 dependencies]

A C# .NET (dotnet) GRPC client for etcd v3+. etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. etcd gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure,...
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Cigniti.Automata.Contracts [9 dependencies]

Contract definitions that Automata plugin authors should adhere to.
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CSFML [9 dependencies]

This package contains the native libraries for the C port of SFML, used as a dependency for SFML.Net
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ExtentReports.Core [9 dependencies]

Forked from extent-framework/extentreports-csharp. Modified version of Extent Reporting Framework, Community Edition, supporting .NET Core and .NET Standard
MIKE 1D ResultDataAccess The DHI.Mike1D.ResultDataAccess component provides common access to a variety of network file formats. It is the main data access component for the MIKE 1D result files, having the .res1d extension. It does also provide support for reading result files from SWMM (.out), EPA...
BizTalk Factory's abstraction interfaces, classes, and context properties for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
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Dolittle.SDK.Concepts [9 dependencies]

Dolittle is a decentralized, distributed, event-driven microservice platform built to harness the power of events.