NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Caramel.NHibernate [1 dependencies]

Caramel NHibernate
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NLogging [1 dependencies]

Use logging system like Python logging package and java.util.logging in C# .
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boost_atomic-vc140 [1 dependencies]

boost_atomic-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
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Julas.Utils [1 dependencies]

Binary data helpers, some general utilities and extension methods.
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GoNET.Authentication [1 dependencies]

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Datamart.Tanner.FE.Dto [1 dependencies]

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Orchid.Core [1 dependencies]

Orchid.Core Class Library
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Yoti [1 dependencies]

Yoti .NET SDK, providing Yoti API support for Login, Verify (2FA) and Age Verification
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ADONetHelper.Firebird [1 dependencies]

Extends ADONetHelper library to Firebird
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Xer.DomainDriven [1 dependencies]

Domain driven design components and marker interfaces.
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Ejyle.DevAccelerate.Apps [1 dependencies]

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GCop.ErrorHandling [1 dependencies]

GCop is a set up code analysis rules for improving C# code.
This package contains platform-specific classes and utilities for Microsoft Windows on top of XyrusWorx Foundation
Package Description
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nnTree [1 dependencies]

Very simple tree data structures on .NET Standard
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Gurux.DLMS.AMI.Messages [1 dependencies]

Gurux.DLMS.AMI.Messages implements interfaces that are needed for Gurux DLMS AMI.
These are the common classes used by the OpenBook applications.
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ExpressionPowerTools.Core [1 dependencies]

Core functionality for working with expression trees.
Abstractions of ColinChang.BigFileForm
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Poster [1 dependencies]

Package Description