NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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mg-desktop [1 dependencies]

MapGuide Desktop API components
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CacheController2 [1 dependencies]

Memory Cache Util for storing objects for a predetermined time
This dll contains the a Fluent API for multiple 4.5 .NET Web and Network Apis. FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs.
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Receipts.Messages [1 dependencies]

Logibit Shared Libraries for Money etc
Adds additional OAuth providers for OWIN to use with ASP.NET
Segmented control for Xamarin Forms for iOS, Android, UWP. Mac OS also supported albeit currently with fewer features.
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SFML.Net.x64 [1 dependencies]

SFML is a simple multimedia library. This includes the 64-bit .Net bindings to SFML and the 64-bit csfml bindings required to use it.
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DTIGrid [1 dependencies]

.NET Data grid for fast editing. Add the grid, give it a table name and it will add/update/delete. Includes searching and paging. Uses free-jqgrid.
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Carbonated.Data [1 dependencies]

Simple data access library.
Package Description
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Soneta.CzlonkowieSzkolenia [1 dependencies]

Składnik programu Soneta. Program obsługi firmy: kadry-płace, księgowość, handel, magazyn, CRM, BI ...
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DynamicData.Zmq [1 dependencies]

ZeroMQ (via NetMQ) pub/sub platform, built with CQRS in mind, using event sourcing
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Tpig.Components.CustomUi [1 dependencies]

.NET WPF custom-made UI components.
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Ran.Fields.HttpApi [1 dependencies]

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Wanderer [1 dependencies]

Yaml and Lua based C# game engine for building room based RPGs with rich dialogue
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Xamarinme.Configuration [1 dependencies]

Bringing .NET Core Configuration feature into Xamarin. Use appsettings.json file just like in ASP.NET apps to provide configuration parameters to Xamarin apps.
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Xamarin.RevenueCat.iOS [1 dependencies]

Contains bindings for
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Catharsium.Trello.Data [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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NBB.Application.MediatR [1 dependencies]

Data contracts for CQ(R)S applications.