NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Lib [1 dependencies]

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GoogleAnalyticsTracker.WP7 [1 dependencies]

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Stardust.Nucleus [1 dependencies]

A fast, easy to use and lightweight IOC container
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Genesis.Analytics [1 dependencies]

Genesis.Analytics is a library providing an abstraction over mobile analytics.
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RCS.Common [1 dependencies]

.Net Native Compilers package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the specific version of the .NET Native compiler contained in the package, as opposed to any system installed version. Supported Platforms: - UWP tools 2.2
Extensions of ForEvolve.OperationResults ASP.NET Core. Adds support for ProblemDetails and includes a ModelBinderErrorActionFilter.
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Rules.Framework [1 dependencies]

A generic rules framework that allows defining and evaluating rules for complex business scenarios.
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Temiicore.Lib.Host.Generic [1 dependencies]

Temiicore host for Generic
A set of little ADO.NET SQL Server Helpers for .NET Core
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Bing.Offices.Abstractions [1 dependencies]

Bing.Offices.Abstractions是Bing应用框架的Office相关操作抽象类库。 Bing是一个.net core平台下的应用框架,旨在于提升小型团队的开发能力,由常用公共操作类、架构基类、第三方组件封装、第三方业务接口封装等组成。
Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.
Package Description
VS 2017 (vc141) prebuilt x86 / x64 native runtime / static libraries for OpenSSL (Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit). Using LTS version 1.1.1o
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HotBag.AspNetCore.IO [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Solo.Extensions [1 dependencies]

EcomSolo basic C# extensions
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Minio.AspNetCore [1 dependencies]

ASP.NET extensions for MinIO .NET SDK.
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JEON.Mail [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description