NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Utility.Logging.NLog [2 dependencies]

Implementation of Utility.Logging for NLog
RIAServices.EF4 provides the LinqToEntitiesDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with an ObjectContext from Entity Framework 4.0. This package can be used in place of a GAC reference to the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework assembly, maki...
Part of the Coding4Fun Toolkit for Windows Phone with only the Network library. Items such as a GzipWebClient are in it.
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Portable Data Annotations [2 dependencies]

A portable library for the DataAnnotations namespace. Reduced surface area matches the Silverlight SDK version of DataAnnotations, with additions of some classes.
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Ziraff.Framework [2 dependencies]

My package description.
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SIoC.core [2 dependencies]

SIoC is a small and fast IoC Engine container
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SpiroNet.Editor [2 dependencies]

The .NET C# port of libspiro - conversion between spiro control points and bezier's.
Unity interception enables you to effectively capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object. Interception is useful when you want to modify the behavior for individual objects but not the entire class, very much as you would do when using the Decorator pattern. It pr...
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ITLibrium.Hexagon.App.Meta [2 dependencies]

Annotations for Hexagonal Architecture application layer components
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EntityFrameworkMock.Shared [2 dependencies]

Shared code for EntityFrameworkMock.Moq
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Forest [2 dependencies]

A logger for F# that has configurable outputs.
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LeXun.Aliyun.AopSdk.Core [2 dependencies]

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LJH.BO.File [2 dependencies]

1、文件上传、下载操作接口 2、.netore升级到3.1 12、补充nodejs 等操作
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Vanara.PInvoke.SearchApi [2 dependencies]

PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants imported from Windows Search.
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Kephas.SharePoint.Core [2 dependencies]

Provides a common infrastructure for all the other Microsoft SharePoint integration components. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IListService, IListUpdaterService, ILookupService. - Rules: IListItemUpdateRule. - Reflection: IList...
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CoreSpatial [2 dependencies]

CoreSpatial is a class library based on .Net Standard v2.1 to read and write shapefiles. It supports the reading and writing of projection file .prj (support by ProjNet).
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MiCake.Audit [2 dependencies]

MiCake audit components.Contains soft deletion,create information,and more.
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EStart.Queue [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Biblioteca de funções para classes DTO da Api do Framework da Softprime