NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FParsec-Big-Data-Edition [2 dependencies]

FParsec is a parser combinator library for F#. You can find comprehensive documentation for FParsec at The documentation includes a feature list, a tutorial, a user’s guide and an API reference. This package uses a configuration of FParsec that supports very large ...
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ZeroInstall.Store [2 dependencies]

Zero Install management of implementation caches, digital signatures, etc.
ServiceStack plugins interfaces
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boost_system-vc140 [2 dependencies]

boost_system-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
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Clubby Platform Utility [2 dependencies]

only private project use
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Intercom Sdk (Base) [2 dependencies]

The Intercom Xamarin SDK, for integrating Intercom into your Xamarin Android or iOS application.
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JJ.Framework.Conversion [2 dependencies]

Makes it easier to convert simple types.
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Snickler.EFCore [2 dependencies]

Fluent Stored Procedure Extensions for EntityFrameworkCore
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QuantConnect.Queues [2 dependencies]

QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Queues Project - Handles and generates live and backtesting algorithm jobs
Making App Development Easier with a collection of easy to use components for working with and build views for Xamarin.Forms projects.
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Squid-Box.SevenZipSharp [2 dependencies]

Wraps 7z.dll or any compatible one and makes use of LZMA SDK, includes self-extraction functionality.
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Ideagen.MongoDB.Driver [2 dependencies]

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Echo.on.ModelFactory [2 dependencies]

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Microsoft.Omex.Gating [2 dependencies]

This library provides a gating mechanism that can be used to switch application features or code paths on/off depending on user request details
A Dummy Factory for types in OBeautifulCode.Compression
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Stamina.Core.ApiAccess [2 dependencies]

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EVA.SDK.Core [2 dependencies]

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GreenWhale.RunTime.Scripts [2 dependencies]

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Onion.Domain.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

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Arad.Utilities [2 dependencies]

All general utilities used in almost every Arad projects.