NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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AsyncPoco [2 dependencies]

A cross-platform, fully asynchronous fork of the popular PetaPoco micro-ORM. Supports SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server CE. Runs on .NET Framework (4.5 and above), .NET Core (1.0 and 2.0), Mono, Xamarin (iOS, Mac, and Android), and UWP.
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Yort.Ntp.Portable [2 dependencies]

A cross platform NTP client for retrieving the current time from internet NTP servers.
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Argument Validation [2 dependencies]

A small library to validate method parameters.
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MD.LIB.Common.Core [2 dependencies]

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PlutoStudio.Diagnostics [2 dependencies]

A set of variations on ObjectPool implementations with differing underlying collections. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
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OrchardCore.Nancy.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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OpenDSRIP.Shared.Clients [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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CoreFxLab.Text.Utf8String [2 dependencies]

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Featueflow .net client [2 dependencies]

Featureflow dotnet client API allows you to add runtime feature management and rollout control to your .net application. Find out more at and
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Open.IO [2 dependencies]

.Net Standard library containing extensions of System.IO
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Lopla.Language [2 dependencies]

Simple language build for portable scripting platform: Lopla.
一个支持异步方法和支持高性能多线程的工具集合。A collection of tools that support asynchronous methods and support high-performance multithreading.
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ModPlus.Revit.API [2 dependencies]

Revit libraries required to create ModPlus plugins. Includes RevitAPI.dll, RevitAPIUI.dll, RevitAPIIFC.dll, UIFramework.dll, Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.dll, AdWindows.dll, RevitAPISteel.dll, SteelConnections\ASCADLinkMgd.dll, SteelConnections\ASGeometryMgd.dll, SteelConnections\ASObjectsMgd.dll, SteelConn...
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
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Aggregail [2 dependencies]

A microframework for working with Aggregate Roots in an Event Sourced system, backed by an Event Store.
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Lykke.Snow.Common [2 dependencies]

This package provides common classes and extensions for Lykke.Snow projects.
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SAF.Messaging.Cde [2 dependencies]

Smart Application Framework (SAF) messaging infrastructure for C-DEngine based communication.
TradeCenter 代理请求对象
DevPrime Observability