NuGet Packages By Dependencies

C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method Pipe. Executes the given action on each element in the source sequence and yields it.
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NetOffice.Excel [2 dependencies]

NetOffice Excel API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office Excel
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Basco [2 dependencies]

Very simple and easy testable (TDD) hierarchical state machine. Only 3 simple steps needed. 1) Define triggers (enum) 2) Create states (IState) 3) Implement configurator (IBascoConfigurator)
Provides developers with libraries for managing Azure Media Services using the Azure Resource Manager API.
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Retyped.event-kit [2 dependencies]

Event Kit (event-kit) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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MonoCode - Caching [2 dependencies]

This package implements the core caching provider contracts
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Chapter4.Commands [2 dependencies]

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Google.Cloud.Translate.V3 [2 dependencies]

Recommended Google client library to access the Translate v3 API. The Translate API translates text from one language to another.
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NetModular.Lib.Data.MySql [2 dependencies]

NetModular data implement for MySql
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Cerberix.Crypto [2 dependencies]

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BlazorFabric.DetailsRow [2 dependencies]

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Axis.Lyra.Core [2 dependencies]

API for basic caching operations
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GravyBot [2 dependencies]

IRC bot framework for GravyIrc
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UnitLib [2 dependencies]

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Oni.Core.ObjectStorage [2 dependencies]

Oni is a general porpuse framework to simplify some of the app common requirenments such as email, data access, notifications, user management, etc. This package includes the providers for notifications, db queue, healthcheck for mongodb.
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Beep.Sys.Core [2 dependencies]

.net core 常用工具