NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Senparc.Weixin.QY.dll [2 dependencies]

微信公众账号 - 企业号 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目: 注意:2017年8月25日起,随着微信官方将微信企业号全面升级到企业微信,Senparc.Weixin.QY也已经同步移植到Senparc.Weixin.Work,QY今后将停止更新,请开发者使用Senparc.Weixin.Work.dll: Senparc.Weix...
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h-extensions [2 dependencies]

An extension library, for enhancing .Net classes and types.
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DotnetSpider2.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
This library helps track configuration information to build a json schema from the requested objects.
Add Update API
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FormsCameraView [2 dependencies]

Renders a camera preview on a xamarin view
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WeavingDB.DataEncoding [2 dependencies]

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LoadTestTools.Core [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Sql2Sql.Mapper [2 dependencies]

IDataReader mapping to objects
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XYSoft.Prism.WPF [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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YJC.Toolkit.Weixin.WeChat [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Svea.WebPay.SDK [2 dependencies]

C#/.Net Standard 2.0 SDK for Svea WebPay REST API
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KMF.Notification.Entities [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Libreria para manejo de entidades de negocio de configuración
Allows to render custom error pages
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Spire.Hosting [2 dependencies]

Package description here:
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Rozie.Shared.Model [2 dependencies]

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NetScape.Modules.Messages [2 dependencies]

NetScape Messages Module