NuGet Packages By Dependencies

The Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging Block implementation for logging interfaces of DevAccelerate Core.
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Hdq.Lib [2 dependencies]

Collection of general purpose classes
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Greentube.Messaging.Redis [2 dependencies]

Redis implementation of Greentube.Messaging.
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CSDeskBand [2 dependencies]

Base interfaces and classes for Deskbands
Cosmos.Logging extension provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Proactive abstractions messaging NetStandard package
"Core Functionality for a PAF Application."
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Echo.on.ModelCore [2 dependencies]

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Tridion.Common [2 dependencies]

Plugins available for the Core framework
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REvE.Configuration [2 dependencies]

Framework component for resolution of generic configurations.
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SyncSoft.ECOM.Shared [2 dependencies]

ECommerce Project
Abbotware Core Libraries
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RT.Lingo.Base [2 dependencies]

Contains functionality to localize and internationalize (translate) software into other languages. Use this library to make your library support translations in an application using RT.Lingo.
Package Description
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PbfReaderNetStandard [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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MposAirDataContracts [2 dependencies]

Add FormerRequest to the ApiDomainException.