NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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XAct.Services.IoC.Unity [2 dependencies]

An XActLib assembly: a Library for common fragments of code to do with Unity
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Fix [2 dependencies]

A glue for OWIN.
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NXKit XPath [2 dependencies]

NXKit XPath support.
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Patha.Converters [2 dependencies]

Collection of useful converters for the Universal Windows Platform.
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DL.Common [2 dependencies]

A utility library containing boilerplate code, extension methods, new classes, and/or improvements to existing classes.
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Dapplo.Windows.Com [2 dependencies]

Dapplo.Windows.Com is a library which has com supporting code
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Common.Serializer [2 dependencies]

Common.Serializer provides a simple serialization abstraction to switch between different implementations
This package extends MSBuilder.GenerateAssemblyInfo to also generate a static `ThisAssembly.Metadata` class with the `@(AssemblyAttribute)` attributes that have `Include="System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute"`. So for an attribute like: [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttri...
OPC UA Information Model Factory library used as the dependency injection to produce **OPC UA Information Model** by an external importer. The abstract API must be implemented by a classes providing functionality of OPC UA Information Model creation. The root of the definitions is the `IModelFactor...
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Tiger.Secrets [2 dependencies]

Integrates AWS Secrets Manager into the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration ecosystem.
Validation for Blazor
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Surging.Cloud.Domain [2 dependencies]

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NubeSync.Core [2 dependencies]

NubeSync Core Package
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Gxby.BYCore.Guids [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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GXBY.Abp.Guids [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Boogie.Predication [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Sequor.Libs.Scopes [2 dependencies]

Scopes library for migrations and requests * ActionFilters * Middleware
Abp Extension
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Traderr.Next.Shared [2 dependencies]