NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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WebAPIDoodle.Bootstrap [2 dependencies]

The bootstrap package to create an unobtrusive ASP.NET Web API base project based on Empty Web Application project template
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SourceGrid WinForm Control [2 dependencies]

SourceGrid is a .NET Windows Forms grid control written entirely in C# with managed code. SourceGrid can be used to visualize or to change data in a table format.
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ConDep.Dsl.Operations [2 dependencies]

ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians all the default operations found in ConDep. For additional operations, look for ConDep.Dsl.Operations.Contrib.
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More.Composition [2 dependencies]

The composition library for the "More" framework.
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Nemerle Runtime [2 dependencies]

Nemerle runtime with utility libraries.
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Platform.Helpers [2 dependencies]

Extends the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace with common Core Functionality.
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Handlebars.NetStandard [2 dependencies]

This 'batteries-included' bundle brings in SQLitePCLRaw.core and the necessary stuff for certain common use cases. Call SQLitePCL.Batteries.Init(). Policy of this bundle: unofficial open source sqlcipher builds included. Note that these sqlcipher builds are unofficial and unsupported. For offici...
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Linq2Rest .Net Core [2 dependencies]

A .Net Core port of the project which provides two way OData request to Queryable transformation. Part of the Lynicon CMS project:
This library provides the ability to render an Adaptive Card into HTML, typically used for server-side card rendering
Resiliency core
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Byzan.Sdk [2 dependencies]

C# binding for Facebook LoginKit's official SDK
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DapperExtensions.Standard [2 dependencies]

DapperExtensions DNX Core 5
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Blazui.Component [2 dependencies]

Element的blazor版本,无JS,无TS,用 .NET 写前端的 UI 框架,非 Silverlight,非 WebForm,开箱即用
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Hilma.UBL [2 dependencies]

Open project for EU procurements related UBL data model
PCA9685 I2C PWM expander
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mm.ced [2 dependencies]

Helpers for CQRS + DDD + ES implementation