Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on

Total dependencies: 602

Just basic stuff
PrettyTest provides nicer test explorer names for XUnit test cases. Unit test names are transformed using conventions to be more readable. Heavly inspired by the blogpost
Package Description
Integration testing tools for projects
LeanCode Core library
Package Description
xUnit integration for BDD-toolkit-dotnet
Package Description
Addes xUnit theories that can be managed by application configuration.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection in xUnit test methods.
An utility library which extends xUnit framework
NLog extensions for xUnit test output
xUnit VW Extension is an extension to the xUnit testing framework which enables you to pass failing tests when using continuous integration tools.
The base class TestFixture provides a registry for test features which are automatically disposed after each test case.
XUnit test executor implementation for the Alias framework.
Extension to xunit that allows yout to resolve the test class by MEF.
Framework built on top of xUnit to allow writing inheritance based BDD style tests.