Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on

Total dependencies: 602

Provides Assertions for Budgerigar Budget Results
Fody add-in for weaving database unit testing code.
Add FileSandboxFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.Xunit2)
Add LocalDbContextFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.Xunit2)
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with FakeItEasy.
Add FileSandboxFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.Xunit)
This package contains attributes for automatically creating all types of fake object, mocks, stubs, etc. These attributes combine FakeItEasy, xUnit and AutoFixture.
Provide base fixtures for easier writing of BDD style unit tests. Dependencies include Xunit, StructureMapAutomocker, Moq
An opinionated set of testing conventions for ASP.Net development
Extension to XUnit that allows you to resolve test classes out of Ninject.
Use Xunit Theories + AutoFixture.Xunit, in a neat and concise manner.
Provides an Xunit test framework allowing you to run integration tests against local ephemeral Elasticsearch clusters
Commonly used tooling for dotnetcore, including configuration management, logging, etc.
Simplify your .NET Core integration tests by just inheriting from IntegrationTestBase . This library has all the boilerplate code so you can write the scenarios with xUnit.
Xunit support for scenario testing.
Package Description
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Package Description
Package Description
Package Description