Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Api Client for nicazon
SqlBulkCopy wrapper with Dapper-like API
Test helpers library for Nadobe evidence source implementations
Muslim prayer times library for .NET which includes various calculation and juristic method that can be customised.
Particular favourites are; PrivateWrapper - to allow access to the private methods of a "wrapped" object - via dynamic. Creator - To create repeatable but random data for "filled" classes to test - various properties available to control the range of filling. This one's the dog's!
Collection of methods, classes and helpers to simplify recurring standard actions
User authentication and management for the Schematic CMS framework
Core entities, interfaces and settings for the Schematic CMS framework
Package Description
This package implements the caching provider via SQLite
基于 Quartz 构建的计划任务帮助类
Provides a .NET REST client implementation of GitLab API.Support Version : V3、V4 and OAuth!
Some common packages for .net core,e.g. Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Also some useful apis.
Provides network and database models for the albion online data project.
A library of extension mehods to help convert times between time zones, add business days to a date time etc. Hat tip no Nager Date for calculating holidays and weekends for adding business days. Date time conversions use .Net's System.TimeZoneInfo.