Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Package Description
Package that builds and executes simple DML queries based on a POCO
Cpbp is a cli (command line interface) application infrastructure.
Toltek Identity Server Models Library
Authenticate with Ldap in .netstandard 2.1
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to easily add patterns such as Command, Query, Dispatcher, Interception..and use of Optional.
Common functionality for F4ST
Logic for Labmanager
Excel 扩展组件,依赖于:EPPlus + EPPlus.Core.Extensions
DataAnnotations to validate VAT codes, social security numbers or tin numbers.
Use the Lambda Expression Builder to easily build a filter that you can apply to lists and database queries. You can even use this as a base to allow you to build filters dynamically. Packed with features; you can save and re-run filters, not have to worry about NULL checks (it's automatic), build ...
API models for Lacuna Scanner Service
Uniconta.NetStandardAPI2.1 for DotNet Standard platform.
Lacuna SPA API models
Applyze Log Service Client Library to communicate with Web API.
Uniconta.NetStandardAPI for DotNet Standard platform.
Storage queries and mutations for .NET Core.