Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Provide a consistent user experience when accessing ASP.NET Core Web APIs
DotNetHelper.ObjectToSql takes your generic types or dynamic & anonymous objects and convert it to sql. It also works with DataTable
SuperDev Utilities
Simple Soap client and better XmlSerializer
Package Description
A framework for building Atlassian Connect add ons in C# with ASP.NET Core
Fluent helper for Files, Directories, strings, objects, etc, c#, ....
DNTFrameworkCore is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications
Simplifies managing reflection, including reflecting on properties and fields within a type
Wrapper API SDK
MvvmLib Core Commands: DelegateCommand, AsyncCommand and CompositeCommand Task Extensions: for Async with void method Mvvm: BindableBase, ValidatableBindableBase and ModelWrapper EventAggregator : allows to subscribe, publish and filter messages
T1 Common Library is a collection of application blocks designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges. 的.Net SDK
ChickenAPI's Packets (Nostale packets) defined over classes
.Net client library for GraphQL with typed calls
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Main package, should be referenced by all projects on solution
Package Description
Adds the ServerCacheAttribute to intelligently cache responses on the server side. Adds the ClientCacheAttribute to instruct the client to cache. Add the RequestJoinAttribute to deduplicate simultaneous requests.
Package Description