Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

The package contains helpers for contract first validation.
Meow.Domain 是 Meow 领域层基类库。 个人学习使用。 来源 作者:何镇汐 地址: 请使用原作者版本,尊重原作者劳动成果,谢谢!
Generate, hash passwords and check password against hashed password, in one very small library without any frills
A library generated from a OpenAPI doc
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
A large collection of enums to simplify your life
Package Description
GlobalLink Vasont Publish Server Common Models contains models related to API calls with the Publish Server REST API
This package includes a .NET Standard MVVM library with helpers such as: - ObservableObject: a base class for objects implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. - ObservableRecipient: a base class for observable objects with support for the IMessenger service. - ObservableV...
Multi-dialect sql builder with advanced mapping and custom extensions for Database-First applications. SharpSqlBuilder takes your models and maps them to SQL text queries.
Package Description
This package contains validation extensions used by other CodeGator packages. Platforms supported: .NET 6.x or above
This package contains data annotation extensions used by other CodeGator packages. Platforms supported: .NET 6.x or above
Templates to use when creating an application for Filam Software.
Library containing the logic for working with variables, logging, basic models for working with directories and files
Building a FastReport without designer easy way!
A collection of Data Transformation Objects specifically for use with C# and Apple Pay. Contains DTO's that convert perfectly to Apple Pay JSON objects and helper DTO's for Updating data in the Payment pane.
Package Description