Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on protobuf-net

Total dependencies: 644

C# 开发的.Net框架下的RPC服务,路线:已经开发好的程序如何快速实现RPC.
Stable version of Kestrel server
Provides models for accessing 52ESELLER cloud web shops using v3 api. The package provides a fast and convenient building block for developing applications centered around the 52ESELLER cloud web shop engine. Namespaces included: - CommerceClient.Api.Model
WebSocket API base using fast and simple WOOF subprotocol. WOOF subprotocol is based on Google Protocol Buffers to serialize data and fixed size headers.
Package Description
The LocaleNames library provides language and country names translation to almost any language.
Random pieces of code for Asp.Net, including my SerialDict integrated Database
BeetleX message extension support protobuf json and messagepack
Lightweight library with common useful extensions.
NiuX 基础设施
DSInternals Replication implements a client for the Active Directory Replication Service Remote Protocol (DRS-R). It can be used to remotely extract password hashes from domain controllers.
Postal is a code generator that generates strongly typed message contracts for request-response type protocols. Messages are serialized and deserialized using Protocol buffers.
A cross platform library for communicating with the Satoshi Labs' Trezor Hardware Wallet. Supports Android, UWP, .NET Core and .NET Framework with Hid.Net. Support for other platforms can be added with Hid.Net dependency injection
Allows F# types to work with protobuf-net
.NET library that aims to interoperate with the Steam network.