Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

xxl-job is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework, and this package provide an executor client for it. XxlJob.WebApiHost host the job executor in a webapi application.
A simple but powerful web crawler library
Fluent Http Client with a fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
A netstandard key value store, backed by sqlite, alternative to Akavache
C# Specification pattern implementation.
A NetCore based REST API client for Azure Devops Services API version 5.0
Project Sprit, the successor to SimpleServer, is a project to minimise latency and resource usage in .NET web applications.
Package to user JSON instead of RESX files for localization
Common stuff for EasyBuildTask.
A Event Aggregator proxy for SignalR
Repository logging provider.
Logging services and extensions.
OpenFaas mediator for building evented cqs serverless systems
This package contains an IEventStore implementation based on GetEventStore
Manged client for etcd service
Simple MediatR pipeline behavior that creates a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger scope logging start, finish and failure events including ellapsed time.